Adan did!!! He woke up this morning with a dry diaper, so I took him to the big potty, put the little seat on it, and sat him down. Within a few minutes, he tinkled!!! It was the only time today that he did it, but it's a big step forward!! He was very proud of himself and kept clapping, even when we were in the living room LOL
Friday, June 27, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Baby Bean's Ultrasound
We got a peek at Baby Bean on Friday, the 20th. He/SHE is looking really good! Measuring right on target. We're still working on names and can't agree on ANY. I love something and it gets vetoed. Of course, Miguel wants to name her, if she's a girl, BILLY. Please go ahead and start calling in complaining about that name. It would really help get my point across!!
Anyway- without any further adieu...
Baby Bean's head is on the right, and you can sort of make out an arm and a leg...
Posted by B'Courts at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Second OB appointment today!!
I wish I could get some sleep for it. Insomnia has kicked in full force. I'm so exhausted, but just can't sleep. My appointment is at 1045. I'm really looking forward to it! When I get back, I'll post some photos of the baby.
Posted by B'Courts at 3:14 AM 0 comments
So Adan thinks he's funny...
Miguel was home, Adan was playing on the floor in the living room and I was *trying* to take a nap on the couch. Adan just wasn't having that. As I laid there with my eyes closed, he came over to me and sort of "whispered" in my face. I didn't respond, so he got louder and louder. He poked his fingers in my nose and tried to open my eyes. By this point I was thoroughly amused, so I kept my eyes closed to see what he'd do next. He leaned realllly close to my face like he was going to kiss me. He put his lips on my nose and just before I said "awwwwwww what a SWEET boy!!!" He BIT ME. He bit my nose!!! Then he laughed and ran away. I screamed, of course, and that upset him. He started crying and came over and patted my leg like he was sorry. He's such a sweet boy. Even if he *is* a biter LOL
Posted by B'Courts at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tragic day on Thursday
I was driving to do some Rescue business, heading north. I was less than a mile to my destination, traveling in the left hand lane. There was a large dodge extended cab truck traveling south in the left lane. She, for no apparent reason, swerved HARD and without hitting her brakes and hit a large oak tree head-on. It was so weird, because it was like it was in slow-motion. I heard the BANG after I saw her hit. It was crazy. I pulled over onto the grass, and ran to her side of the truck. The front of the truck was literally sitting on the front seat. The truck was on fire and there was smoke filling the cab. An Army Major was also at the scene. We were trying to get the door open, but it was crushed shut. The lady's eyes were open, and her head was on the steering wheel, but she was unresponsive. I feared she was dead. From the back of the cab I heard moaning. I looked and that was a little girl slumped over in the back. I ran around and noticed that she was covered in blood and mostly unresponsive. With smoke filling the cab, I hesitated for a split second to decide if I should move her or not. I made the decision to go ahead and pull her out. I grabbed her and held her close to me, cradling her neck and back. At that time, a lady came to ask if she could help. I just asked her to go and sit with Adan who was still in the car asleep, because at that point I was covered in blood. I laid the little girl on the ground and started talking to her. She started crying and blood was coming from her mouth. Her belly was very distended and I feared internal bleeding. I'm pretty sure her leg and arm was broken. She was not in a car seat and not in a booster. She was wearing an adult seat belt. She told me her name was Jo-Jo and that she was 4. She squeezed my hand and asked me if she was going to die. She told me she wanted her mommy. The driver was not her mom. She was her mom's best friend. A few minutes after I laid her down, a man came over. He introduced himself as a pediatrician. He saw the accident happen and came to see if he could help. He stabilized the little girl and I kept talking to her as the fire department and paramedics tried to get the lady stabilized and worked on. The little girl kept a tight squeeze on my hand while I talked to her and tried to sooth her. I talked to her about a lot of different things, to keep her awake, because she kept trying to fall asleep. I tried to get her mom's phone number and name from her, but she couldn't remember it. She'd hit her head pretty hard on the front seat.
The fire department finally got the lady out, but honestly, I don't know if she's going to make it. She was really messed up. She was about 10 ft away from me and I *thought* I smelled old or stale alcohol. I hope that's not what it was, but that's what it smelled like.
The paramedics finally came over and put the neck brace on her and put her on the back-board and loaded her up in the ambulance.
Please pray that that little girl is going to be ok. Also, for the lady. I've not heard yet about her condition. I've been watching the news, but so far no word.
After everything was over, I called DH and told him. It wasn't until then that I completely lost it. I was crying so hard. Now my right shoulder is hurting me really badly. The only thing I can think of is that my adrenaline got that door open. I think I may have pulled or torn a muscle in the process. Small price to pay, though. I'm just glad the little girl seems to be ok. Hug your little ones extra close tonight.
The police said that the woman driving was, as I knew, Jo-Jo's mom's best friend. Her name is Susan. Susan was at Jo-Jo's house "visiting" with the mom and dad. Jo-Jo wanted McDonald's, so Susan drove her. That's where they were going. It took the police/hospital workers HOURS to get in contact with the mom and dad. It took the parents even longer to get there. Jo-Jo's grandmother was the one who actually made it to the hospital and flew with her to the Children's hospital. It's guessed that the three of them had been "partying" together, and all of them were drunk/high.
I told the policeman exactly what I witnessed and what I thought (he asked) as I approached the vehicle. I told him that she had the 1000 yard stare that alcoholics/drug users have. I also told him that I immediately felt badly about thinking that b/c obviously, she was in pain, and that could've been the reason she was "out of it." I also noted to him the smell of alcohol. He told me that I would most likely have to testify against her, and wanted to know if I had any credentials to back up my thoughts. I explained that I have a B.S. in psychology, with a concentration in drug/alcohol abuse, that I was the Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Control officer for the Army for 6 years, and that I was a bartender for 6 years. He said that was good enough for him, and that he's confident that I know what I'm talking about. He did confirm my suspicions that she was drunk or on drugs. It made me feel better, in a weird way, because I didn't feel like I was "judging" her. She didn't even know that she was hurt. That's how out of it she was.
As for Jo-Jo, the majority of her wounds were caused by something (most likely a tire) flying from the bed of the truck, into the rear window, and into her head and neck. She has, obviously, head trauma, a neck/back injury, and brain swelling. I've not heard anymore about her condition. I have to go in on Monday to write a full report. I'm very anxious to do so. I'd like nothing more than to keep that "woman" off the streets for good. I hope her parents are also charged with reckless endangerment and are not allowed to see her any longer. Harsh, I know, but that baby girl needs a new start in life.
Posted by B'Courts at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The long-time-no-update update.
I know it's been awhile! We've been so busy. Here's a brief run-down of the last couple of months.
On the first of April, mom and Terri threw Adan a birthday party in Pearl River. It was so nice. Everyone was there, and Adan got lots of cool presents. Here are some photos of the party:
Another big update is that Adan is now sleeping in the BIG BOY bed!! He's in a twin size bed, without rails, even! He's been in it for over a month, and there have been no more night terrors. I'm not sure if I'd posted about that or not, but for a long time, Adan was having some serious issues with night terrors. He would begin SCREAMING at different times in the night, as though he was awake, but actually, he was asleep. The terrors got so bad that we video taped them and then we called his pedi who confirmed that it was night terrors. Since he's been in his bed, though, he's not had ANY. Recently he's even begun to sleep right through the night, from 9pm to 7-8 am. It's a really good feeling!
Here are some photos of him in his big boy bed.
Adan also has a new trick. He climbs on EVERYTHING. While he has NO fear, he is also very cautious. He has really good balance and has proven it over and over again. It's a wonder, though, that I don't have a head-full of gray hair. I can not turn my back on this boy for a MINUTE! He's a pro at getting on and off our king-sized bed, even our TABLE. Of course I discourage the latter- since I caught him nearly hanging from our chandelier!
How old are you, Adan? He says... I'm ONE!
Adan has his own swimming pool, too. He loves it. We're actually on our second one, since the first one was worn out!
Every afternoon, Ollie seems like he can sense that Miguel is on his way home. About 10 minutes before he drives into the drive-way, Ollie goes to the window. This is a common sight at our house as we await daddy's arrival!
My future Calvin Klein model
Miguel and his thyroid:
We discovered that Miguel's thyroid is way over active. A normal thyroid functions at a level of 35. His was well over 1000. It explained so many of the symptoms he's had over the last few years. Because of the seriousness of it, it was recommended that he see an oncologist to have radiation treatment to ablate the thyroid. His doctor told us that even though I am pregnant, I would only have to stay away for 3-4 days (and he expressed that even that was a bit of an over-reaction.).
Update on baby number two:
We had our first ultrasound of our little bean on the 23rd of May. At that point, I was only 6 weeks, so there wasn't much to see. Our next appointment is on the 20th of this month and I'm SOO excited! I'll be almost 11 weeks, so there will be much more to see! We still won't know the gender until September, but at least he/she will look like a baby at this point!
At our appointment, I found out that due to Miguel's radiation treatment for his thyroid, we would have to be away from him for 2 weeks. My ob was extremely concerned about the level of radiation Adan and I (and the peanut) would be exposed to. I was prepared to stay away for a few days- since I was going to Slidell for Kaya's birthday party anyway. I was NOT prepared to stay away for 2 weeks. Somehow, we made it through though. A few days into our "adventure" me, Terri, Aunt Faye and Uncle Johnny got extremely ill. I had 102 fever and was throwing up like crazy. It lasted almost 3 days. I was very worried about baby bean, but he/she is just fine now. Adan had a touch of it for one day, but luckily it didn't last long.
We finally got home on Monday and got the all clear, after 12 days, to be around Miguel, as long as we didn't get too close to him. He's still sleeping on an air mattress on the floor, washing his clothes separately and drinking/eating from different plates/glasses. He gets his levels checked every week, and they are sloooooowly going down.
How does a dog go?
Adan says wuff wuff wuff in the cutest little voice. He also knows what a "kitty" is and when he sees one, he goes "Meeeooowww!! Kitty!!" We don't have cats, but he sees them around the neighborhood and LOVES them.
He also LOVES to give Ollie "hugs." I need to get some photos of that!
Adan also has learned how to "ask" for things. If he wants milk or juice, he brings me his cup and nods his head REALLY hard as though he's asking for some. If he's hungry, he goes to the kitchen and points to the refrigerator and nods his head. He's a smart one. Definitely knows what he wants!
Well, I think that's all the updates I have for now. Now that I'm all caught up, I'll update more often!
Posted by B'Courts at 10:14 PM 0 comments