Monday, December 31, 2007

First steps to mommy

He's going to hate me for this...

But I caught this "bubble" on video and it's just so funny...

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Alllllllmost ready to walk!

He's getting so close. He's cruising all over the house and yard (much to the dismay of the dogs!) with his little cruiser. Today he took a couple of steps just for momma!

Christmas Pictures

We had a nice quiet Christmas at home. I think Adan was a little over-whelmed with all the presents, though. Once he figured out there were toys in there, he really got the hang of it. I spent a month saying "No, Adan, don't touch the presents." He was a little confused when I actually encouraged him to open them Christmas morning LOL.

Here are a few photos from our morning

Friday, December 21, 2007


Aunt Terri got Adan this awesome little walker for Christmas. From the second we opened it, Adan was cruising all over the house.
Enjoy the video!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Guess what Adan did today

So I'm sitting on the couch while Adan was on the floor playing with, among other things, the telephone. He likes to push the buttons, and it makes him happy, so I don't mind. Well, I hear a few beeps, but really don't think anything of it. Well... then I hear talking. Adan had the phone up to his ear and was smiling and "talking" back. He called his maw-maw!!! I'd called her last night, so I guess he pushed "talk" then "redial." He amazes me everyday LOL.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Christmas Photo shoot

Here are some shots from our Christmas shoot:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

8 months old on the 28th!

Ok, so I'm a little behind the curve-ball with the up-loading of these pictures. I do have a good excuse, though. Adan has been extremely sick. It started with a nasty blistery diaper rash on Saturday. He was also having a bit of diarrhea, but nothing to really worry about. Well, by Sunday night (actually 1:30am Monday morning) he had blood in his diaper. I wrapped him up immediately and we went straight to the ER. They took his diaper and did a culture. 2 days later they found out he had salmonella. We have several ideas about where he got it, but nothing definitive. I do know that he didn't get it here, since I don't cook. The worst point was Tuesday evening when his temperature reached 104.3. He was limp and really unresponsive, and he was shaking. I thought for sure he was going to have a seizure, but thankfully, after a cool bath and some pedialyte, he was a bit better. He's still having some diarrhea, but he's acting normally again. That was truly the most scared I've ever been in my life.

Here are some pictures from his birthday on the 28th:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Adan's first Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving in El Paso. Adan loved all the new food to try. It was so good to finally spend time with Miguel's family. It was such a special vacation and I think Adan had such a great time. I don't think he was put down more than 2 times the entire week!

Meeting the Family!

We drove over to El Paso on the 16th of November. It was a loooooooooong drive but Adan did so well. We left at 8pm so he would sleep the entire time and he did.
We finally arrived Saturday morning.

Miguel's Dad, Mom, a very tired me, Miguel and Adan

Uncle JB

Cousin Matthew and Grandma

Cousin Suzi

Cousin Amanda

Daddy choking Marissa

Cousins Marissa and Suzi

Showing off the teefies

Aunt Martha


Cousin Matthew

Aunt Betty

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Always into something!

I turned my back for ONE minute and look what I found. Adan got into his puffs- pulled the lid off AND was able to take the seal off.

This was his first try at biter biscuits. He LOVED them.

Ok, I win mom of the year award. I put him in his bouncer while I showered and came back to this:

He's learned to tip his basket over to get to his toys.