Monday, October 26, 2009

Just an update post

Things are so much different with two than with one! I hardly have time to update anymore!

Lukas has been taking steps since he was 7.5 months old, but he really took off walking at 8.5 months. It was a gradual process, though. Adan went from crawling to walking in a day, but Lukas really preferred crawling for an alternate means of transportation. :)

Lukas is cutting his 8th tooth. He is very much a momma's boy. He wants to be held all the time. I don't mind though! I know I won't be able to hold him forever, so I'm getting it all in now. :)

Adan has started "pre-school." He's been going one day a week for about a month. He loves it and talks about it all week. It's at our Church, Trinity, and we couldn't be happier to have gotten in.

I just taught Adan how to scoot his stool over to the light switch and use the brush to reach the light switch. Now it's like a haunted house in here with the flashing lights. He's excited to learn something new. :)

At Lukas' 9 month appointment last week, he weighed 22 pounds and was 24 inches tall- that's over 100 percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. He got a couple of vaccinations and took them like a champ. He's such a good baby!

He and Adan get along very well. Adan's always trying to teach him something and Lukas is always laughing at Adan. I think they are going to be very close.

Anyway, here are some pictures!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The pumpkin patch

We went to the Pumpkin patch last week. I think the boys had a very good time!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Random Phone photos

I took these photos with my phone over the last couple of months. The quality isn't the best, but some of the shots are cute, so I wanted to share.

I took these photos with my phone over the last couple of months. The quality isn't the best, but some of the shots are cute, so I wanted to share.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thank you, Paw-Paw and Grandma

Paw-Paw and Grandma went to TN for Labor Day and the boys soon got a package in the mail. They got two very cute tees and a post card!! The tee-shirts are very nice.

Thank you guys, for thinking of the boys!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lots of new pictures

Man, so it's been a while since I've updated. Let's see..

Lukas started crawling on his 6 month birthday (July 15th)
He's been 'cruising' along the furniture for about a month now. He actually started 'cruising' before he started crawling.

Adan is getting to be such a big boy. He's speaking like a big boy now. Lots of words and sentences. Sometimes I'm the only one who can understand him, but that's ok!
He's all into Thomas the Train now. Every time we go out in the car, he asks me if we can open the door and let him see "Diesel" the train. Another cute thing is that he'll ask me if he can have some ice-cream, or watch a particular movie, or whatever and when I say not right now, he goes straight to Miguel and asks him. When he says no, he puts his finger on his chin, looks around, says hmmmm... "Lukas, can I have some ice-cream?" LOL It's way adorable.

Lukas and Adan get along so well. They play together in their room every night. Sometimes Adan can be grabby with 'his' toys, but he does play pretty well with him.

Today, for the first time, Lukas stood up by himself. It won't be much longer and he'll be walking. That will be a big help to me!

Well, without further delay, here are some photos!

Friday, August 7, 2009


Lukas got ahold of a green marker. Well, it's a toss-up as to who did most of the writing- he or Adan. They were both there, though Lukas was actually holding the marker. Good times.


