Sunday, November 30, 2008

Photos and videos

The first video is of Adan dancing and "droppin' it like it's hot." Usually, he's much more animated when the camera is off LOL. He is a goof-ball.

The second video is Adan's mean face/strong man face. Again, MUCH funnier in person, but here's a little taste of it LOL.

Also, here are some pics we took today. It was brrrrr chilly..

Monday, November 24, 2008

Adan knows animals

We have this "Big Book of Animals" at home that Adan LOVES. He 'reads' it a dozen times a night LOL. At first he would ask "whassthat?" for every animal. Now, he can name many of them, but he knows what each of them are. We took this video and he was being a ham. When the camera's not on him, he says alot of the names and even makes the sounds. I guess he was "camera shy" last night LOL Here's the video of one of the pages- it was too long to show the whole book.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lukas' 3-D U/S

We had Lukas' 3-D ultra-sound yesterday. Here are some photos and a little video of it. He weighs 3.5 pounds. His doctor said he'll gain 1/2 pound per week, and since I have about 8 weeks left, he'll be about 7.5 to 8 pounds. I couldn't believe how much he looks like Adan. I'll post some comparison pics in a separate post.

And here's the video!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Air show

We brought Adan to the airshow in Lafayette today. From the first helicopter he saw to the last jet, Adan kept saying "you see!!??" It was so cute. He also said "plane" for the first time. He was very impressed with everything. Towards the end, he was soooo tired, and could barely keep his eyes open, but he tried! It was a beautiful day for it, too. We had alot of fun.

It was SOOO loud!!

This totally looks photo-shopped, but it wasn't. Weird...

He was asking "where did the plane go?" LOL

Almost out, but still trying to watch the jets.

We weren't even out of the parking lot yet LOL.