Monday, May 14, 2007

Terri's graduation and our trip to Pearl River

On Saturday we drove down for Terri's graduation. I am so proud of her! She got her Masters in Education. It was so good to see her finally get what she's worked so hard for. No one deserves this more than she does.

Adan slept through the entire graduation and was a complete angle the whole time. It was very loud in the coliseum, people clapping and air horns blaring, but he had no problems with it.
Towards the end he started getting hungry, so we headed out just a little early so we could get him some lunch.

Afterwards we met Leslie, Brian, Brice and Devin at Lees' Hamburgers. It's been a few years since we had a Lee's Hamburger. They are the BEST hamburgers in the world! We had a GREAT time! It's been 2 years since we last saw each other and it was my first time to meet Brice! Those boys are adorable!!! They are both so sweet. Devin was enamored with Adan. He sang the 'itsy bitsy spider' to Adan and even held his bottle for him! Leslie and I laughed like old times and it was so good to see her again. I miss spending time together, but am so happy that we do at least get to talk almost every day.

After Lee's, we went to Pearl River so Adan could meet Maw for the first time. It was really good to see her again. I think Adan really enjoyed meeting her!

While we were at Maw's, mom actually changed Adan's diaper. I'm so grateful that I had my camera handy. For those of you who know my mom, you know that diaper changing is NOT her forte. It was too funny.

It was a very long day for Adan and by 5:00, we were all beat. We stayed at Aunt Faye's house in Slidell. Mom and Roland stopped by for dinner. We all had po-boys and then it was time for Adan's bath. He fell asleep almost right away. He was so exhausted!

It was a wonderful day.


Gatesfamily said...

AWWW! Great pics :) I'm so glad we got to meet up. And the burger was soooooo freakin good! It WAS like old times... I haven't laughed so hard in awhile!
Adan is such a sweet baby!