Sunday, October 19, 2008

A beautiful day at the Audubon Zoo

Yesterday Miguel and I brought Adan to the Audubon Zoo. For the first time, he really got to see and enjoy all of the animals. He was ooohhing and aaaahing over all of the big ones like the elephants, giraffes and gorillas. Every time he'd see a lion or tiger he'd say "MEOW!!!"

The weather was so pretty- I don't think it got much higher than 70ish all day. After the zoo, we stopped at the Haagan Daz and had some ice-cream. It really was a beautiful day.

He was very apprehensive about the monkey statues at first. Miguel was trying to tell him that they weren't real, but he was skeptical.

Touch and RUN!

He was impressed with the giraffes. Check out his expression:

Ok, I was impressed too!

Check that out over there!!!

YUMMYYY Ice Cream!!!

Telling Maw-Maw all about his day on the way home


Gatesfamily said...

Is Miguel grabbing the gorillas booby?? lol. Looks like y'all had a good time. Spent our weekend in the hospital. Carly, viral infection. yuk.

Heidi said...

You look great, how fun!! I love the one of you guys looking back.