Sunday, December 9, 2007

8 months old on the 28th!

Ok, so I'm a little behind the curve-ball with the up-loading of these pictures. I do have a good excuse, though. Adan has been extremely sick. It started with a nasty blistery diaper rash on Saturday. He was also having a bit of diarrhea, but nothing to really worry about. Well, by Sunday night (actually 1:30am Monday morning) he had blood in his diaper. I wrapped him up immediately and we went straight to the ER. They took his diaper and did a culture. 2 days later they found out he had salmonella. We have several ideas about where he got it, but nothing definitive. I do know that he didn't get it here, since I don't cook. The worst point was Tuesday evening when his temperature reached 104.3. He was limp and really unresponsive, and he was shaking. I thought for sure he was going to have a seizure, but thankfully, after a cool bath and some pedialyte, he was a bit better. He's still having some diarrhea, but he's acting normally again. That was truly the most scared I've ever been in my life.

Here are some pictures from his birthday on the 28th: