Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's a sad, sad day in America...

It's very hard for me to say this out loud. Heck, it's even hard for me to type it. I guess I'll just type it with my eyes closed- really fast, like a band-aid.....
Here goes....

The Yankees lost last night.

Ouch- that still hurt.

Not only did they loose the ALDS (American League Division Series) for the fourth straight year, but they lost it to the Cleveland Indians. I mean, in past years if you'd had said "Cleveland Indians," half of the US would have said "WHO?" but alas, they did win, and to be quite honest, I can't even say that it wasn't a fair fight. Cleveland just "brought it" and they really have a great ball club this year. I hope, since the Yanks won't be there, that they take it all the way this year.

Now, back to the Yanks, Last year Steinbrenner said that he was going to fire Torre because they had lost for the third straight year. Public outcry and threats by the Yankees bull pen steered him toward another year with Torre. Now, he's made it public that if the Yankees lost that series against the Indians, Torre was out.

That, in itself, is sad. He is an awesome manager and has been the Yankees' manager for 12 years. The players play for him as much as they do their (incredibly huge) paychecks and (incredibly vocal) fans.
My worry is that NY will lose some pivotal players like A-rod, Jorge Posada, and even Mariano Rivera if Torre is fired.

What's so ironic is that NY paid top dollar over the last 2 seasons for the best pitchers in the game (those being Randy Johnson and then Roger Clemmens) and they seemed to be the downfall of this ball club. It took a 21 year old rookie named Jobba Chamberlin to show em how it's done. A ROOKIE, making at least HALF that of the "big guns" producing at least twice the arm.

But I digress... this is a time for reflection and hope that Steinbrenner forgets his threats. It took 12 managers before Torre made winning look so easy and who knows how many more it will take to get back on that road.