Monday, June 22, 2009


Adan is officially diaper free and potty trained. Two weeks ago he was hanging out in the house without a diaper. All of the sudden he grabbed his bottom and said "POO-POO!!" I asked him if he had to potty and he said "noooo..." but was still grabbing his bottom. So we ran to the bathroom where he promptly pottied in the toilet! For the next week we stayed at home and let him run around without a diaper. Worked wonders! He only had maybe one accident a day, if that. The following week, we put him in big-boy undies and within that week, only had one accident on the first day. Since then, no accidents and he is pretty consistent with telling me he has to go. YAY Adan!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kaya's birthday party

I'm a little late in posting, but we went to Slidell at the end of May for Kaya's birthday party. The party was at a gymnastics place and the kids had a blast.
We also stayed at Leslie's house for the night and we all had a great time. (Well, except for Adan in the pool. He HATED that we made him get in..)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Teething, sitting and standing, oh my!

Lukas' first tooth popped through yesterday. He's also able to balance himself well while sitting AND he pulled himself to stand for the first time Sunday. I looked back at Adan's first tooth, sitting and standing, and they started at the exact same time- 4.5 months to the DAY. Very cool!

Here are a few pics