Thursday, July 31, 2008

Our trip to Kemah

When Miguel's family came down a couple of weeks ago, we went to Kemah, Texas. We'd been there once before when Adan was only a couple of months old. We loved it then and would've had a great time this time too, but it was SO hot!! Back in May 2007, when we were there, I took a photo of Miguel holding Adan. Just over a year later I was able to take another picture of them in the same spot as before. Here are some comparison photos:

May 26, 2007

July 16 2008

Here are some other photos from that day:

Adan in jail

My future model

Adan and Miguel's mom

Seriously- we're going to be in trouble when the girls start calling!

Miguel's niece, Marissa

Did I mention that it was HOT???

Marissa and Adan

Miguel's sister, Linda and Art

Looking over the Gulf of Mexico

Miguel's mom, Marissa and Adan relaxing in the shade

Monday, July 28, 2008

The smile I live for

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July

Miguel and I brought Adan to the Lake to watch the fireworks. We met Nicole and Addison there and we had lots of fun!! Here are some photos of the night.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Big shoes to fill

Adan LOVES to wear daddy's shoes. He even puts them on the right foot and walks all over the house. He thinks hes a BIG boy!!

Funny face

Fourth of July Photoshoot

We had Adan's 4th of July shoot today. Here are some of my faves: