We celebrated Thanksgiving in El Paso. Adan loved all the new food to try. It was so good to finally spend time with Miguel's family. It was such a special vacation and I think Adan had such a great time. I don't think he was put down more than 2 times the entire week!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Adan's first Thanksgiving
Posted by B'Courts at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Meeting the Family!
We drove over to El Paso on the 16th of November. It was a loooooooooong drive but Adan did so well. We left at 8pm so he would sleep the entire time and he did.
We finally arrived Saturday morning.
Miguel's Dad, Mom, a very tired me, Miguel and Adan
Uncle JB
Cousin Matthew and Grandma
Cousin Suzi
Cousin Amanda
Daddy choking Marissa
Cousins Marissa and Suzi
Showing off the teefies
Aunt Martha
Cousin Matthew
Aunt Betty
Posted by B'Courts at 3:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Always into something!
I turned my back for ONE minute and look what I found. Adan got into his puffs- pulled the lid off AND was able to take the seal off.
This was his first try at biter biscuits. He LOVED them.
Ok, I win mom of the year award. I put him in his bouncer while I showered and came back to this:
He's learned to tip his basket over to get to his toys.
Posted by B'Courts at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Ok, so please don't mind my annoying "I'm gonna get yous" and PLEASE disregard the Pebbles Flinstone hair do but I thought this was so funny.
Posted by B'Courts at 11:12 AM 0 comments
What a fun day!!
Yesterday we brought Adan to the Children's museum. Man, did he have a BLAST!!??!! After the museum, we had lunch, then met some friends at the movies. Adan and I went in with the other mommies and children to watch A Bee Movie while daddy went and watched something else.
Adan LOVED the movie. His eyes were as big as saucers the entire time. He laughed at the movie and jumped up and down. It was a complete success.
Adan also had his first finger foods today. He munched on hard teething biscuits and rice puffs. I think he's in love LOL. He's been eating a lot of baby food too, about 9 ounces per day.
I gave him a little juice mixed with water in a sippy cup and he knew exactly what to do! I have to get a good picture of him holding it.
Anyway- here are some photos of us at the children's museum. He just loves looking at himself!

And even daddy had a good time playing with toys!

Posted by B'Courts at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Last Saturday
Last Saturday we went to a picnic for Miguel's new job. He played softball there and guess what. He chipped a bone in his ankle and tore his tendons in a nasty way. He's in a walking cast now, and thankfully, has been able to go back to work as of Friday. The swelling is not as bad as it was, and the discoloration is nearly gone. He wears an "air cast" to work in and then wears the walking cast when he's not at work. And no, much to my surprise, an air cast is not like an "air guitar." It's really real LOL.
Anyway, here are some pics from the picnic last weekend.
Posted by B'Courts at 10:26 AM 0 comments